D2 unit 3 In this project, students had to talk about a favourite place in Greece.Thus, they had to use knowledge they aquired in their geography class and vocabulary learnt in this unit. It was a great chance for them to share kowledge about different places.?..!!! [slideshow id=95][nggallery id=95]
ΠερισσότεραΚατηγορία: Αγγλικά
My house
My house In this project, students of the 3rd grade were asked to present their house. They had the chance to use drawing, which enhances their imagination and creativity, as well as their fine-motor skills. Apart from that, it was a great opportunity to use the “house”-related vocabulary and revise colours. They really enjoyed it! [slideshow id=89][nggallery id=89]
SPORTS In this project students of the 4rth grade (D2) had to present their favourite sport. In order to do that they had to find information as far as the rules of the sport are concerned, as well as its history or famous athletes. [slideshow id=87][nggallery id=87]
ΠερισσότεραMagic Book 2 – Unit 1
Unit 1 When we completed Unit 1 (Kelly), students of the 3rd grade were asked to produce a project in which they used their imagination as well as their drawing and writing skills in order to make sentences with the aquired vocabulary and draw the corresponding pictures so as to help them to consolidate it. [slideshow id=83][nggallery id=83]
ΠερισσότεραSchool bazaar
School bazaar It is well-known that Christmas is everybody’s favourite time – especially children’s. Therefore, we decided to make this Christmas special, by organizing a school bazaar in order to raise money to donate to charity. Pupils were eager to participate in as many ways as they could. As far as English classes are concerned,younger classes did some simple handicraft (christmas cards, bookmarks and tree decorations).Classes C and D did their best as they produced Christmas crackers and even a book with English Christmas recipes that they translated into Greek…
ΠερισσότεραMy school
My school On completing Unit 1 students were asked to do a project entitled “My school”.The aim of the project is to make children talk about their school. In this way they use the school and classroom vocabulary learnt in this unit. Moreover, it helps them consolidate the grammar structures acquired, that is, There is-there are, Have got structures. It was fun, since students really liked it and also loved making nice drawings. [slideshow id=74] [nggallery id=74]
ΠερισσότεραOur big family getting to know its members
Our big family getting to know its members – Ευρωπαϊκή οικονομική κοινότητα η μεγάλη μας οικογένεια Κατά το σχολικό έτος 2013 – 14 με τους μαθητές της Ε3 Τάξης του σχολειού μας σχεδιάσαμε και πραγματοποιήσαμε ένα πρόγραμμα ενταγμένο στα Πολιτιστικά θέματα στην Αγγλική γλώσσα με τίτλο E.E.C. Our big family Getting to know its members !!! (Ευρωπαϊκή οικονομική κοινότητα η μεγάλη μας οικογένεια). Καταλήγοντας να γνωρίσουμε τα μέλη της !!! Η αφορμή για αυτή την δραστηριότητα…